Thursday, March 15, 2012


So the summer is almost here, or at least it feels like it. Now is the perfect time to get out there and get the seasons best in fresh fruits and veggies.
But if you're like me and work all day and forget about that pint of strawberries or bunch or broccoli. Or got that one banana that's all brown and nobody wants to eat it here's a trick:
Green Apple Strawberry Smoothie
Yes you can throw anything you want in a smoothie. And if you're not sure about it try in in small portions. Pull out your blenders and have fun. That brown banana is packed full of natural sugars and no one will know that those strawberries weren't brought yesterday. Want a creamy smoothie go grab your favorite yogurt, or just mix it with some ice. 

Remember what your parents taught you: Waste not want not. what

Here's whats in mine (usually enough for 2-3 people)

3 apples
8 strawberries
1 banana
1 tablespoon honey
couple dashes of cinnamon
1 cup of yogurt (greek or regular)

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